Divine Judgment and Chastisement: The Biblical Covenant and its Contemporary Implications

27 November 2023

By Dr Adi Schlebusch

Introduction: The Continuity of Divine Judgment 

Throughout history, the concept of divine judgment has been pivotal in understanding the relationship between God and humanity. From the narratives of the Old Testament to the societal shifts in the modern West, the principles of divine judgment have remained consistent, reflecting God's unchanging nature. This brief exploration delves into the scriptural foundations, historical manifestations, and contemporary implications of divine judgment and chastisement. 

The Patriarchs and the Mosaic Law 

In the Old Testament there are several examples of obedience resulting in blessings, and disobedience leading to curses, from Cain's punishment (Genesis 4:10-12) to Abraham’s blessings (Genesis 12:2-3) as well as the national-covenantal paradigm outlined in Deuteronomy 28, all of which demonstrates that earthly conduct carries divine consequences. Furthermore, the Exodus story vividly portrays divine retribution as twofold: God's vengeance on the Egyptians and chastisement of the Israelites (Exodus 7-14, Numbers 14:21-38). This story demonstrates God's differing approaches towards the elect and non-elect. 

The Prophetic Witness 

Biblical prophets affirm that obedience to God aligns with earthly prosperity within His Kingdom (II Chronicles 7:14, Psalm 37:3-11). They also teach that the prosperity of the wicked is temporary, serving God's ultimate purpose of self-glorification (Isaiah 10:5-19). Israel's history further underscores this principle. King David's reign exemplifies the correlation between obedience to God and national prosperity, juxtaposed with personal and national chastisement following disobedience (II Samuel 12:10-19, II Kings 17:5-6). 

Understanding Divine Judgment in the New Covenant 

The arrival of Christ does not abolish, but rather fulfills the Law (Matthew 5:17-18, Romans 3:31). This continuity underscores the eternal nature of God's moral law, applicable under both the Old and New Covenants. Even in the Benedictus of Zacharias the deliverance of God’s people from their enemies as a covenantally conditional upon obedience by God’s people is expressely highlighted (Luke 1:70-75). Jesus's earthly ministry also included direct pronouncements of judgment (John 9:39, Matthew 24:15-24), affirming the ongoing relevance of divine judgment. Historical events, such as the rise and fall of empires and the Reformation, reflect God’s providential guidance, influencing Western civilization and resulting in the formation, perserverance, and destruction of nations. In the new covenant divine judgement, chastisement and blessing applies to individuals (Acts 12:23), families (Acts 5:5—10), communities (Matthew 10:15), and nations (Acts 17:26-27, Revelation 11:15).

Recent cultural shifts in Western countries indicate a broad departure from religious adherence. As a result uneccesary wars devastated Europe during the first half of the twentieth century and declining populations accompanied by Islamic and other third-world immigration, as well as increasing debt, encouraged by the policies of a treasonous Marxist leadership, have further crippled the continent since then. Corruption, violence, and an innumerable host of other depravities and abominations continue to plague South America and South Africa. The people of the United States have been increasingly enslaved by debt, and the anti-Christian government and corporate tyranny that conquered Europe increasingly threatens the liberty of the progeny of the nation’s founding fathers. 


The current challenges facing Western peoples underscore the need for national repentance (II Chronicles 7:14).  Yet even though most of the West have fallen into the grip of the Cultural Marxists, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall defend the Crown Rights of the Lord Christ, whatever the cost may be; we shall never surrender, and even if a large part of Christ's Kingdom were subjugated and starving for a season, then our great High King beyond the seas, clothed with apparel dipped in the blood of his enemy, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the age to come, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of this present wicked age.