South African Election once again Amplifies the Need for Boers to look beyond the voting booth

1 June 2024

Becoming a minority in your own country virtually guarantees that you will end up being governed by foreigners. It is well-known that over the past three decades the white minority in South Africa (consisting of Afrikaner-Boers and Anglo-Africans) have suffered tremendous oppression at the hands of the ruling African National Congress, a Marxist party with a black African base. In this past week’s election, however, the ANC dropped below the 50% threshold for the first time since first taking part in a national election in 1994.

It is unfortunate, however, that so many people remain under the deceptive spell of democracy and continue to look to democratic elections for deliverance. They then get excited when they notice that the ANC dropped from 57% in the previous national election in 2019 to only 40% now. The sad reality, however, is that the ANC’s decline in support is largely due to a new African Marxist party contesting the election—Mkhonto we Sizwe (MK), led by the country’s former president Jacob Zuma, an ethnic Zulu. MK has managed to get almost 15% of the national vote, with its base being almost exclusively Zulu nationalists. In the eastern province of Kwa-Zulu Natal, the traditional homeland of the Zulu people, MK gathered a whopping 45% of the vote, while the ANC managed to get only 18%. In the Eastern Cape, the traditional homeland of the Xhosa people, however, the ANC recieved 64% of the vote with MK collecting less than 2%. By contrast, the Christian conservative and secessionist parties, which only managed to gather no more than 2.1% of the national vote, received 81.3% in the Afrikaner town of Orania.

These are but a few examples showing how people in South Africa, like everywhere, vote along ethnic lines, and how demographics shape governance and determine the extent to which a people can achieve self-determination. It should be evidently clear by now that, regardless of how hard the Boer people vote, they will not be liberated from the covenantal curse of being governed by foreigners (Deuteronomy 28:43) via the voting booth. Sadly, this is gradually also becoming increasingly true for the majority of Western nations, many of whom are also well on their way to becoming a minority in their homeland sometime during the twenty-first century.

For the Boers, like for all white nations, the only way out of this mess is a reformation of national life through national repentance (2 Chronicles 7:14). The Boer people will not survive liberal democracy. It needs Christian nationalism. To this end, a multi-generational vision based on God’s infallible covenantal promises for covenantal obedience is necessary. A first step towards achieving this is having more children—at least enough to maintain our population—in addition to concentrating demographically in those strongholds where we can start building the New Christendom on a local level. In this regard places such as Orania serve as an example and a blueprint for the future of Euro-Christian peoples all over the world.